Chicago's Monty returns to Montrose on 4/21/2022
Monty on the Montrose protected beach on 4/21/22. Photo Credit: Tamima Itani
WGN cameramen Jason Vicks and prior season monitor Christopher Maceyak were at Montrose checking out the unbanded Piping Plover that had arrived on 4/20/2022, when Jason spotted another plover, this one banded. Christopher immediately identified the banded plover as Monty! The news broke fast through all channels, to great joy and acclaim. His return, and the presence of the unbanded Piping Plover, as well as another, banded plover at Rainbow Beach were covered by several media outlets in Chicago.
A handful of monitors went to Montrose to greet Monty. He seemed to recognize them as he stopped by them and piped “Hello!”
A little over an hour after arriving, Monty flew into the protected dunes area across from the pier, and started scraping a nest. The unbanded female joined him at the nest and he started courting her, standing tall with a puffed chest. The female took one whiff at him and decided she was not interested, flying back further into the dunes. Monty flew high, performing an impressive 2-3 minute courtship display. He landed and started scraping nests again. The female stood still, head tucked in her wings, napping. Eventually, they both returned to the lakefront to feed.
By Saturday 4/23, the unbanded female had left. Monty now awaits Rose’s return, likely as anxiously as the entire city of Chicago!