Esperanza...on a jaunt somewhere?

During out 6-8 am shift today, Betsy and I were quick to locate Hazel and Nish, who were feeding along the lake shore, moving back and forth between the protected beach and the public beach. Rose kept them company. We soon located Monty at the opposite end of the beach, not too far from the Dog Beach, in the company of 14 Willets. But search as we may, we could not find Esperanza (X,V:O- (Red Star, 002)) , not on the pier, not in the volley ball area, not on the public beach, not on the protected beach. Our shift was nearly over. I admit that I was a bit worried. For the past week or so, Rose and Esperanza kept each other company and it was unusual not only not to see Esperanza, but to see Rose by herself. As I stood observing Rose feeding along the lake shore, she suddenly took off in the direction of the walkway, and landed not far from it. Almost simultaneously, Betsy texted me that she could see Monty with a chick, by the walkway. It was Esperanza! Both parents surrounded Esperanza, as if to check on them! Monty stayed a few minutes and then left to do his own thing, but Rose kept Esperanza company as she had done for the past few days. Where had Esperanza been? We will never know…Did they go to Foster beach? Navy Pier? Or were they just somewhere at Montrose Beach where we could not see them?

Of the three chicks, Esperanza is the least camera-shy, offering great photo opportunities! Here are photos taken today, July 16. The chicks are all FOUR weeks today! I can’t believe how fast time has gone by, it seems like just yesterday when one egg was hatching after the other, on a very hot June day!

(Photos credit and copyright Tamima Itani. Photos may not be modified, used or reproduced without permission)