Who will I be?
“Hi! I’m X,V:O- (Blue Star, 001)!”
X,V:O- (Blue Star, 001) (Photo credit and copyright T. Itani. Photo may not be modified, used or reproduced without permission).
“I’m X,V:O- (Red Star, 002)!”
X,V:O- (Red Star, 002) (Photo credit and copyright T. Itani. Photo may not be modified, used or reproduced without permission).
“And I’m X,V:O- (Yellow Star, 003)!”
X,V:O- (Yellow Star, 003). (Photo credit and copyright T. Itani. Photo may not be modified, used or reproduced without permission).
We get new names on Saturday! Frankly, we’re a bit nervous. What if someone decides to officially call us “Poof Ball”? Or “Cotton Ball on Sticks?” That was cute when we were babies, but we are almost grown up now!
We’re told there’s a “Naming Reveal!” On Facebook, on Saturday July 11, from 4:00 - 4:30 pm!
We can’t wait to find what our new names are! Join us!